RCD Safety Switches

Protect your family and home by ensuring RCD Safety Switches are installed!


RCDs have protected Australian homes since 1991 - is your home protected?


RCDs prevent electric shocks and fires

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    Protect Your Home with RCD Safety Switches

    We take electricity for granted, often forgetting about its dangers! Since 1991, RCDs (Residual Current Devices) have been mandatory in Australian homes, with safety standards being updated over time to ensure our wellbeing and safety.

    Many homes built before these years require upgrades to their electrical safety to ensure minimal risk of fires and electrocution. These upgrades need to be done before renovations involving electrical rework are carried out too.

    At Sarros Electrical, keeping West Australians safe is a top priority when it comes to electricity. In fact, 20 deaths a year occur in Australia from electrocution, half of which are from within homes (according to the National Coronial Information System). So we provide home safety checks and compliant RCD safety switch installation for homes and businesses throughout Perth and Peel.

    We’ve been upgrading Perth homes to the latest electrical safety standards and beyond since 2014. The question is – is your home safe? Call Sarros Electrical to arrange RCD installation today and we’ll ensure that your home is 100% compliant with the latest electrical safety standards and you and your family are 100% satisfactied with our 5 star service!

    RCD Safety Switch

    Get your home RCD safe today!

    We’ll get your home 100% compliant with the latest safety standards today!


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    Why install RCDs?

    RCD switches are an essential safety device that react extremely quickly when it detects current going where it shouldn’t – including when a person is about to be electrocuted.

    RCD safety switches cut off electrical supply in a matter of milliseconds, avoiding electrical shocks, burns and other serious injuries to you or your family. RCDs also dramatically minimise the risk of other electrical hazards, such as electrical fire, that occur from various electrical faults.

    RCD’s can save both you and your family members, or your electrical appliances from events such as:

    • Lightning strikes that causes electrical surges.
    • Exposed wires, such as those chewed by rodents, shorting out on potentially flammable material.
    • Electric shocks – if a person accidentally becomes part of an electrical circuit.
    • Faulty electrical appliances that develop an electrical fault or short circuit.
    • Water that comes into contact with electricity (such as in the bathroom), becoming live.
    • Overloaded circuits as this can cause unsafe heat and melting through the wires.

    We had an RCD save us thousands of dollars of equipment from a nearby lightning strike – unfortunately our modem, connected to an unprotected phone wire, was fried – but we’re very thankful for our trusty little RCD!

    Current standards dictate that every property needs at least 2 working Type A RCDs installed (but this can change depending on the property or the latest safety standards). Selling or renting a home requires that this minimum standard be met. Call Sarros Electrical to check that your home meets the latest electrical safety standards before undergoing extensive renovations, leasing or selling.

    Testing your RCD switch

    It’s important to check that your existing RCD safety switches are still working correctly. It is recommended that RCD safety switches are tested every 3 months. Commercial and rental properties should be checked by a licensed electrician every 12 months.

    RCD safety switches come with a testing button, which, when pressed, will indicate if the RCD is still working correctly or not. A qualified electrician can conduct further, specific tests.

    If your RCD is tripping, unplug electrical devices connected to the faulting circuit and reset the RCD. If the RCD continues tripping, there’s likely an electrical fault within the circuit itself and you should call a certified electrician promptly. Here at Sarros Electrical, our local electricians are trained in compliance to the latest electrical safety standards and are familiar with all types of RCDs, so you can rest assured that you and your family will be protected by the latest standards and products.

    The experienced, friendly and fully qualified electricians at Sarros Electrical provide reliable and safe electrical solutions to ensure your home is safe and compliant, with a 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

    RCD FAQs

    Is an RCD the same as a circuit breaker?

    An RCD or safety switch is much more than just a simple circuit breaker. While the circuit breakers in your switchboard just protect against the overloading of individual circuits, an RCD protects against electrocution and fire caused by a fault in the earthing of the electricity that is passing through the wires.

    Are RCDs mandatory in Western Australia?

    Yes, it’s mandatory for all residential dwellings and commercial properties in Western Australia to have at least 2 RCDs installed in a switchboard. One will be for the power points and another for the lighting circuits.

    It’s likely that homes that were built before 2000 may not have RCDs installed in their switchboards. RCDs only became mandatory in the year 2000. This is especially the case if the switchboard has not been upgraded.

    What should I do if I don't have any RCDs in my switchboard?

    If you’ve just purchased a home that was built before 2000, you might find that you have an old switchboard that has not been upgraded and there will be no RCDs.

    If this is the case, you need to give us a call so that we can install a new switchboard that will have the required RCDs installed.

    What can cause an RCD to trip?

    An RCD is usually tripped when an electrical fault is detected. This could be caused by:

    • A faulty appliance.
    • A fault in the wiring.
    • Moisture entering your power points or light fixtures.
    • Damage caused to the wiring by rodents.

    If you find that your RCD is constantly tripping, it’s best to give us a call so that we can investigate if you have a problem with your wiring or other electrical installations.

    How often should RCDs be tested?

    To ensure that RCDs are working correctly in commercial settings and residential dwellings that are rented, they should be tested every 12 months by a licensed electrician to comply with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760.

    In residential homes, you can check if your RCD is working by using the ‘test’ button on your switchboard. This effectively causes the simulation of an earth leakage fault.

    If pushing the button trips the RCD, then it’s working correctly. But, if the RCD is not tripped, you should give us a call straight away so that we can inspect to see if there’s a fault.

    It’s recommended that you perform this test every 3 months.

    Does testing an RCD interrupt the power supply?

    Yes, when you conduct an RCD test, the power supply to your home will be interrupted when the RCD is tripped during the test. So, it’s wise to switch off any sensitive equipment like computers before you conduct the test.

    Can I replace an RCD myself?

    No, only a licensed electrician can replace an RCD in your switchboard. Replacing an RCD requires expert knowledge to ensure that everything is connected correctly and that the safety switch is operating as it should.

    How much does it cost to replace an RCD in Western Australia?

    The cost to replace your RCD will depend on a number of factors such as the type of switchboard that you have and the ease of replacement. In general, you would be looking at around $100 to $150 plus the service call to have an RCD replaced. But, it’s best to give us a call so that we can give you a more accurate quote.

    How reliable is an RCD switch?

    RCD switches are deemed very reliable. But, they do need to be tested periodically to ensure that they’re working correctly.

    Enjoy a Safe Home with RCD Safety Switch Checks & Installation

    Call us or book online for RCD testing and installation today!